Matchmaker Devora Alouf
Visit the site often- new people join in daily, and the site is dynamic and exciting. Remember: you gotta be in it to win it!

Love is a numbers game- increase your odds by corresponding with a number of people.

Send lots of messages. The more you send, the more you will receive. The more action, the greater the reaction. You will be able to afford to be selective!!!

Give people time to get the nerve up to respond to you. It may take them some time. Be patient and courteous, then write again.

Respond to any interesting message- you never know, it could just be THE ONE.

Wait with the “vital statistics”- correspond with members using the safety features of the site. Your e-mail and phone numbers can wait till you are better acquainted.

Never judge a book by its cover- unless you are willing to submit to the same test yourself.

Throw away those lists. You are complex: a dynamic, changing, growing, and evolving person, with emotional, intellectual, and social contradictions. Why should your partner be a laundry list of perfections?

Do what your mother taught you: always treat other people the way you want to be treated.

When receiving a message in response to your ad, always remember to be cool and polite. Say thanks even if you think the person is not for you.

Just because someone is not right for you, doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings. No one enjoys rejection. Be gracious and kind, be tactful and sensitive at all times. Call back or write back in a few days, even if only to say “I don’t think we are right for each other, but I think you’re really special and I wish you the very best”. Whatever your style- at all times be a ‘Mentch’. It makes for a gentler, kinder singles’ community… Besides, the person who is not right for you, may just introduce you to the person who is most right for you!

Go back for a second look at your “maybe” list- members update their photos and add new information all the time. Something new may catch your eye and your heart.

Look away- don’t be afraid to explore opportunities outside your geographic area. Many people out there are willing to relocate for the right person.

Open your mind and expand it, to welcome birds of a different feather. All you really need is THE ONE, and it could be a different one…

Be flexible. Mutual respect and admiration have away of bridging the gap, even when the gaps are seemingly insurmountable. Don’t discount a person because he/she doesn’t have the “right” education, or lives in the “wrong” city. Stop judging and stop looking for a “turn key” package to fall in your lap. Allow the other person to be at least as imperfect and dynamic as you are. Sometimes all it takes is to have a person believe in you, encourage you, and nurture you to be the best that you can be. Let them try in earnest.

Use the Advanced Search option to seek out people who share your interest. You could break the ice by discovering mutual interests, and it’s so much more fun that way.

Gone from blondes to brunettes? Update your profile!
Discovered bowling can be fun? Update your profile!
Fell out of step in your square dancing? Update your profile!
Let them know what you are looking for- so they may find you in the crowd.